
Accountability       Trace-ability       Peace of Mind     Objective    Robust

We are the front-line defense of business solutions designed to help facilities managers solve ongoing fuel storage challenges. We help manage filtration costs – either permanent or contract and we shed light on what’s happening inside your clients’ assets. We prevent problems from occurring in the first place and have helped many businesses resolve existing fuel storage problems within weeks.

Our fuel quality diagnostic services immediately allow you to understand what the fuel quality is inside your tank in situ, where problems used to hide. We open up the black box and ensure you have a compelling answer, based on sound knowledge when your client asks “How are things going?”

We work outside of your maintenance contracts. These are typically done on your engines, switches, filter units, and load balancing, with the minimum effort devoted to where the root cause can hide. We specialize inside the fuel storage tanks where problems exist without any of those systems knowing about it.

In combination with our fuel additives that can rehabilitate incredibly dirty fuel, regular maintenance doses prevent problems from getting out of hand proactively. Prevention our way is MUCH less expensive than the alternatives of filtration for cure, or worse, fuel replacement. We are able to advise you regarding issues early on to prevent them from costing you more, and we can extend the filtration intervals well beyond what filtration companies need to keep their businesses profitable. Annual fuel quality confirmation allows small problems to fester for months, turning into major headaches and service issues. Regular, affordable checks identify issues early on. We operate around re-fueling schedules to ensure any new issues or introduction of contamination is held in check and managed appropriately before they grow into downtime and maintenance problems.

No more waiting weeks for your 8oz sample to get to the lab and no more questionable results from potentially dirty sample jars. We insert probes down inside your tank and record our findings so you know not just what lies on the bottom of those tanks but what the fuel is like at different levels and locations. We provide reports back to you quickly and efficiently so you can understand what is going on inside those tanks. Our service is all about doing more than just what’s required – it’s about performing the extra diligence and being seen to ‘do better’ in the eyes of your client.

Peace of Mind comes with the knowledge of consistently doing better and exceeding minimum requirements. No more ‘black box’.

We provide scientifically objective numbers and microscopic images of what’s inside your fuel storage ecosystem.

If fuel quality does not meet manufacturers’ specifications, you’re taking on potentially costly risks. Why take on the risk that the National Fire Code of Canada identifies as follows:

  • Poor operation of the engine
  • Failure to start
  • Poor transient performance
  • Shorter engine life
  • Inability to carry load

These consequences are ALL contrary to the primary Safety Objectives found in the Fire Code. Additionally they are not S.M.A.R.T goals – especially if you are seeking to limit the probability of your BACK UP POWER failing to work as expected! That backup power protects your business information and revenue.

Why expose your business to Clear & Bright when better is attainable?

Have you checked inside your fuel tank recently? Are you sure your service contract includes fuel quality testing or remediation?

Talk to us – we can help: 416-318-5956

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